Sinch使用自己的后端进行身份验证(Sinch authencation using own backend)

我能够为用户生成令牌,并按照本教程成功启动SinchClient。 现在,下一步是发送和接收消息。 现在,我如何识别用户? 由于我在启动SincClient时使用身份验证令牌来启动SinchCleint而不是特定用户名,那么我该如何向特定用户发送消息?

I am able to generate the token for users and successfully start the SinchClient by following this tutorial. Now, next step is to send and receive messages. Now, how do I recognize users? Since I am using authentication token to start the SinchCleint and not a particular username when starting a SincClient, then how can I send messages to a particular user?


当您认识到Sinch没有关于您的用户的信息时,您只能使用唯一令牌启动客户端。 Sinch建立在您拥有自己的用户数据库和社交网络的假设之上,并且用于发送消息的sinch客户端“地址”是您可以跟踪的内容。 那有意义吗?

As you recognize Sinch doesn't have the info about your users, you only start the client with a unique token. Sinch is built on the assumption that you have a user database and social network of you own, and the sinch client "address" to send messages to is something you keep track of. Does that make sense?
