OpenCV是一个基于BSD许可(开源)发行的跨平台计算机视觉库,可以运行在Linux、Windows、Android和Mac OS操作系统上。它轻量级而且高效——由一系列 C 函数和少量 C++ 类 构成,同时提供了Python、Ruby、MATLAB等语言的接口,实现了图像处理和计算机视觉方面的很多通用算法。 OpenCV用C++语言编写,它的主要接口也是C++语言,但是依然保留了大量的C语言 接口。该库也有大量的Python, Java and MATLAB/OCTAVE (版本2.5)的接口。这些语言的API接口函数可以通过在线文档获得。如今也提供对于C#,Ch, Ruby的支持。


Welcome to OpenCV Java Tutorials documentation!

  • Installing OpenCV for Java
    • Introduction to OpenCV for Java
    • Install the latest Java version
    • Install the latest Eclipse version
    • Install OpenCV 3.x under Windows
    • Install OpenCV 3.x under macOS
    • Install OpenCV 3.x under Linux
    • Set up OpenCV for Java in Eclipse
    • Set up OpenCV for Java in other IDEs (experimental)
  • Your First Java Application with OpenCV
    • A Java application with OpenCV
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Create a New Project
    • Add a User Library
    • Create a simple application
  • Your First JavaFX Application with OpenCV
    • A JavaFX application with OpenCV
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Your First Application in JavaFX
    • Installing e(fx)clipse plugin and Scene Builder
    • Working with Scene Builder
    • Key Concepts in JavaFX
    • Managing GUI Interactions With the Controller Class
    • Video Capturing
  • OpenCV Basics
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting started
    • Color channel checkbox
    • Load an Image and Add it to the Stream
    • Calculate a Histogram
    • Draw the Histogram
  • Fourier Transform
    • Goal
    • What is the Fourier Transform?
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting Started
    • Load the file
    • Applying the DFT
    • Applying the inverse DFT
    • Analyzing the results
  • Face Detection and Tracking
    • Goal
    • Cascade Classifiers
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting Started
    • Loading the Classifiers
    • Detection and Tracking
  • Image Segmentation
    • Goal
    • Canny edge detector
    • Dilatation and Erosion
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting Started
    • Using the Canny edge detection
    • Canny Result
    • Using the Background Removal
    • Background Removal Result
  • Object Detection
    • Goal
    • Morphological Image Processing
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting Started
    • Image processing
    • Morphological Operators
    • Object tracking
  • Camera Calibration
    • Goal
    • What is the camera calibration?
    • Calibration Pattern
    • What we will do in this tutorial
    • Getting Started
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Saving Data
    • Camera Calibration

Indices and tables

  • Index
  • Module Index
  • Search Page


OpenCV Java教程文档及深入学习图书