
什么是测试策略(Test Strategy)?

测试策略是描述测试执行方式的高层文档。在测试策略文档中,记录了测试目标和实现这些目标的一组指导方法。它由测试经理(Test Manager)在测试过程中呈现给所有的利益相关者。它可以包含整个组织或特定项目的范围。



  • 分析方法——基于风险分析
  • 基于模型的方法——基于各种统计模型
  • 咨询方法——基于与技术或领域专家的咨询
  • 按部就班的方法——基于经验
  • 启发式方法——基于探索性技术
  • 符合标准的方法——基于行业标准和流程



  • 测试策略编号——测试策略文档及其各种版本的标识符
  • 简介——简要介绍文件的目的和范围
  • 要使用的标准——要遵循的不同标准或一套指南
  • 风险和缓解——测试中相关的不同风险及其缓解策略
  • 测试准入条件——测试开始前必须满足的一组先决条件
  • 测试准出标准——定义何时可以停止测试的标准
  • 测试设计技术——将要使用的测试设计技术,如等价划分、边界值分析等
  • 测试环境——测试环境规范
  • 测试软件的配置管理——测试软件正确版本的规范
  • 测试过程改进——用于改进测试过程的方法
  • 批准——批准测试策略文档的人员

What is Test Strategy?

A Test Strategy is a high-level document describing the way testing will be carried out. In a test strategy document, we document the test objectives and set of guidelines for achieving those objectives. It is presented by the project manager to all the stakeholders in the testing process. It can have a scope of an entire organization or a particular project.

Test Strategy Approaches

The the different apporaches to test strategy are:

  1. Analytical Approach – Based on the risk analysis
  2. Model-based Approach – Based on the various statistical models
  3. Consultative Approach – Based on the consultation with technology or domain experts
  4. Methodical Approach – Based on the experience
  5. Heuristic Approach – Based on the exploratory techniques
  6. Standard-compliant Approach – Based on the industry standards and processes

Test Strategy Document Template

A test strategy document can contain the following fields-

  • Test Strategy Id – An identifier of the test strategy document and its various versions.
  • Introduction – A brief introduction to the purpose and scope of the document.
  • Standards to use – The different standards or set of guidelines to be followed.
  • Risks and Mitigations – The different risks associated within testing and their mitigation strategies.
  • Entry Criteria – The set of pre-requisite that must be performed before testing can start.
  • Exit Criteria – The criteria defining when the testing can be stopped.
  • Test design techniques – The test design techniques to be used like – equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis etc.
  • Test environment – The test environment specifications.
  • Configuration management of testware – Specification of the right version of testware for testing.
  • Test process improvement – The approaches to use for improving the test process.
  • Approvals – The persons approving the test strategy document.



测试策略模板——Test Strategy(中英文)