是否一直都渴望自己有一口流利的英语口语,可又迟迟不愿步入学习的正轨,或是三天打渔两天晒网呢?(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……那么跟着我每天学一些简单的英语日常口语对话吧!Let go~~~



      What a nice day!      天气真好!

      It's a beautifunl day ,isn't it?  真是一个好天气啊,是吗?

      Nice and warm day ,isn't it?     好晴朗又温暖的天气啊,不是吗?

      Looks like rain.               看起来要下雨了。

      What a rainy day!          这下雨天!

      What dreadful weather!   多糟糕的天气啊!

      It looks as if we're going to have a fine day.   今天看起来应该会是好天气。

      Is the weather changing?     要变天了吗?

      =Is the weather going to change?


     Excuse me,have you got a light?     请问有火吗?

     Excuse me,could you tell me the time?   请问几点了?

     Excuse me,could you help me?I'm trying to find my way to the  train station.对不起,可以帮我一下吗?我正在找去火车站的路。


     Excuse me,can I smoke here?  请问我可以在这里抽烟吗?

     Is it all right if I sit here? 我可以坐这里吗?

     Excuse me,but would you mind if I open the window?  请问你是否介意我开窗呢?

     Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?对不起,这里有人坐吗?


     Sorry to interrupt you,but what are you reading?对不起,打断一下,请问你在读什么呢?

     Sorry ,I could't help overhearing —did you mention something about the accident?对不起,我无意中听到,你们刚才是否在讨论那个意外事件

     You know there was a traffic accident yesterday.你知道昨天发生了一起交通事件。


     Sorry to interrupt you,but there's something urgent I'd like to ask you.对不起打扰一下,我有些要事要问你。

     May I ask you a question?  我可以问个问题吗?

     Excuse me,but may I speak to you for a moment?   对不起,我可以跟你说几句话吗?

     May I trouble you for a minute?我是否可以占用你一点时间?

     Have you got a minute?你有时间吗?






How to Start a Conversation?——如何开始交谈?