在java Web应用程序中添加用户身份验证(Adding user authentication in java web app)


是否有任何开源库可以解决这个问题? 而不是在不同的API上工作,开源Java库会有所帮助。

I need to authenticate the users who visit my java based web app (Servlets and JSP) using different social media like facebook, twitter, google and yahoo.

Is there any open source library which solves this problem? Instead of working on different API's an open source java library would be helpful.


来自SpringSource的人有一个图书馆做你所要求的,称为Spring Social 。 链接的博客文章通过一些很好的例子解释了它的作用。 但该项目仍处于测试阶段(尽管其可交付成果的质量始终坚如磐石)。

The guys from SpringSource have a library doing what you ask for, called Spring Social. The linked blog article explains what it does with some nice examples. But the project is still in beta (even though the quality of their deliverables has always been rock solid).
