
Ask any engineer the question, “is technology disruptive”, and the answer will be “of course!”


The result of that disruption is often that technology attracts a voodoo reputation — something to be wary of, or even feared.


It’s a reputation that is unfair and unwarranted.


We forget that we’ve become accustomed to change, and adept at embracing any technology that suits our lifestyles, or improves the way we work. We’re more comfortable about disruptive change than we once were — because we know that, once technology has done its disruptive worst, it evolves to become productive in its impact, and how it changes our lives.

我们忘记了我们已经习惯了变化,并且擅于拥抱任何适合我们生活方式或改善工作方式的技术。 我们比以往任何时候都更能接受颠覆性变革,因为我们知道,一旦技术突破了最颠覆性的颠覆性影响,它就会演变成能够产生影响力并改变生活的生产力。

This evolution process is not new, and predates IT, but the evolution process has become much faster. When I joined Lenovo in 2005, social media, online communities, the concept of cloud computing, and always-on connectivity were still evolving concepts, and most took some years to make their mark on the business mainstream (something that’s difficult now to remember!).

这种演进过程并不是新事物,而且早于IT,但是演进过程变得更快。 当我于2005年加入Lenovo时,社交媒体,在线社区,云计算概念和始终在线连接的概念仍在不断发展,并且大多数过程都花了几年时间才在业务主流上留下自己的印记(现在很难记住! )。

The most-obvious recent example is the Covid-era move to working from home. Most of us have made that transition (albeit with little choice, as it happens), and technology, although a disruption for many, has made this possible.

最近最明显的例子是Covid时代的在家办公。 我们大多数人都已经完成了这种过渡(尽管发生的选择很少,但技术),尽管对许多人造成了干扰,但使之成为可能。

At first we reacted out of necessity. Now we’re moving to the productive end of this technology continuum — in as little as six months. Companies are moving from managing an abrupt change of workplace options to planning for their futures, in particular the degree to which they deploy technology to allow those of us who want to stay based at home to do so. Users are challenging the way they used technology before the lockdown. The WEF reported in June that 98% of workers wanted the option to work from home for the rest of their careers! That’s a big shift, and productive technology, hard on the heels of an initial disruptive event, continues to play its part.

起初,我们出于必要做出了React。 现在,我们将在短短六个月内迈向该技术连续性的高产阶段。 公司正在从管理突然改变的工作场所选择过渡到为未来进行规划,尤其是他们部署技术的程度,以使我们这些希望留在家中的人能够这样做。 用户在锁定之前正在挑战他们使用技术的方式。 《世界经济论坛》 6月份报道说,98%的工人希望在余下的职业生涯中可以选择在家工作! 这是一个巨大的转变,生产技术紧随最初的破坏性事件之后,继续发挥作用。

忘记伏都教:技术推动业务优势 (Forget voodoo: Technology drives business advantage)

That unfair voodoo reputation also often stems from concerns that technology will replace people, shut down businesses or affect livelihoods when it appears for the first time. Today, those fears revolve around technology that includes AI, machine learning, and technology security, as examples.

这种不平等的伏都教声望通常还源于人们对技术在首次出现时会取代人们,关闭企业或影响生计的担忧。 如今,这些担忧围绕着包括AI,机器学习和技术安全性在内的技术展开。

As an executive with an engineering background working with many businesses, listening to their needs, and leading teams that work out solutions to meet those needs, I believe it’s more the case that technology solves problems, and freeing time to consider what really matters in businesses — customer experiences and employee satisfaction.


User mobility is one example. One of the biggest pains most of us suffer is that we use multiple passwords every day. In tomorrow’s mobile world, devices will know who I am by my voice, perhaps in the context of my location, how I’m about to use my device and the network it’s attached to. If it sounds like me, if I’m acting in a way that’s consistent with who I am in the company, if the work I want to do fits what’s been seen from me in the past, it probably is me — and I can be given access rights to data and resources to be able to do my work without the current pain of having to remember multiple passwords, or of joining and leaving discrete networks.

用户移动性就是一个例子。 我们大多数人最大的痛苦之一就是每天使用多个密码。 在明天的移动世界中,设备可能会根据自己的声音知道我是谁,也许是在我所在的位置,我将如何使用我的设备及其所连接的网络。 如果听起来像我,如果我的行为方式与我在公司里的人一致,如果我想做的工作适合我过去所看到的,那很可能就是我,而我可以授予对数据和资源的访问权,以便能够在无需记住多个密码或加入和离开离散网络的情况下完成我的工作。

Acknowledging that technology often starts as disruptive, and ends up being productive, how should organizations move ahead?


By addressing the business problem in new ways, using technology to drive new and different approaches to resolving those problems.


The story always needs to be about how technology is going to give you business advantage — whether it’s attracting and keeping talent, or enabling a field engineer to understand a problem more effectively, leveraging data and edge computing to make better decisions.


The questions about disruption versus innovation then become centered on the business problems for which you want to find a technology solution.


Answer those questions, and technology’s voodoo reputation around technology disappears.


I’ll expand on some of these themes in future articles, but in the meantime, let me know your thoughts on the Comments below. I’d love to start a conversation.

在以后的文章中,我将对其中一些主题进行扩展,但与此同时,请让我知道您对以下评论的看法。 我很想开始一段对话。

关于作者 (About the Author)

Jerry Paradise is a 15-year veteran of Lenovo. He is responsible for leading the team that develops the product requirements, including the technical and design specifications, for all of Lenovo’s commercial products outside the data center. Start a conversation with Jerry here, on LinkedIn or on Twitter.

杰瑞·天堂(Jerry Paradise)是联想的15年老手。 他负责领导团队,为数据中心以外的所有Lenovo商业产品开发产品要求,包括技术和设计规格。 在此处, LinkedIn或Twitter 上与Jerry开始对话。

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/technologys-voodoo-reputation-unfair-and-unwarranted-2db98be92b34


