GDG Warri通过举办该市最大的Google开发人员节来创造历史。 (The GDG Warri made history by hosting the largest Google developers festival in the city.)

On October 6, 2018, 176 software developers and aspiring developers, tech enthusiasts, students, entrepreneurs and startup founders attended the GDG Warri Nigeria maiden Developer’s Festival — #DevFest18 . This will go down in history as the largest gathering of developers in the city for a tech conference.

2018年10月6日,176名软件开发人员以及有抱负的开发人员,技术爱好者,学生,企业家和初创公司创始人参加了GDG Warri尼日利亚首届开发者节-#DevFest18。 作为城市中最大的技术会议开发商集会,这将成为历史。

When the story is told about the tech revolution that swept across the city of Warri, Delta State, South of Nigeria, the GDG Warri community will be mentioned as one of the tech communities that helped change the narrative across the Niger Delta region through technology. For it was certainly a historic moment as over 170 developers gathered that Saturday to attend #DevFestWarri.

当这个故事讲述了席卷尼日利亚南部三角洲州沃里市的科技革命时, GDG沃里社区将被称为通过技术帮助改变尼日尔三角洲地区叙述的科技社区之一。 因为这肯定是一个历史性的时刻,当170多个开发人员在那个星期六聚集在一起参加#DevFestWarri。

DevFests-多个技术轨道的母亲 (DevFests — the mother of multiple tech tracks)

DevFests are community-led, developer events hosted by GDG chapters around the globe focused on community building and learning about Google’s technologies. — DevFest Official website

DevFests是由社区主导的开发人员活动,由全球各地的GDG分会主办,重点是社区建设和Google技术的学习。 — DevFest官方网站

Most meetups usually revolve around a particular tech track like Web development (or a study jam like the Flutter study jam), and focus on, for example, JavaScript.


But for DevFests, one of the goals is to cover a wide range of tech areas with the shared belief that when developers come together to exchange ideas, amazing things can happen.


运行首个DevFest Warri:团队,支持,出勤 (Run up to the maiden DevFest Warri: Team, Support, Attendance)

For a GDG chapter which began earlier this year, we had to stretch ourselves to host our first (and what would become the largest) developer event in the city.


These are the 3 key factors that helped us achieve our goals for the event.


球队 (Team)

As a community manager/builder for the GDG Warri, I realized that at the early stages of our developer community, we must create room for people to contribute their time, resources and expertise through volunteering to host amazing events. I had the honor of having some individuals volunteer to ensure that #DevFestWarri turn out right and was successful.

作为GDG Warri的社区经理/构建者,我意识到,在我们的开发人员社区的早期阶段,我们必须为人们创造空间,让他们通过自愿举办精彩活动来贡献自己的时间,资源和专业知识。 我很荣幸有一些个人自愿参加,以确保#DevFestWarri正确并成功。

The volunteer team helped make sure that we had an amazing event by designing flyers, conducting onsite campaigns across tertiary institutions, creating a social media push, and arranging the venue.


支持(合作伙伴) (Support (Partners))

Hosting a developer festival of this magnitude is an undertaking, but we were able to support FREE entry! We also provided food, swag, and made sure that everyone who attended had an amazing time.

举办如此规模的开发人员节是一项艰巨的任务,但是我们能够支持免费入场! 我们还提供食物,赃物,并确保所有参加者都度过了愉快的时光。

And this was possible thanks to the support our sponsors gave us.


We are most thankful to Google Developers, Microsoft Cloud Advocates, Sarah Drasner, GitLab, JetBrains, GatsbyJS, and Skysenx Hub, Warri, Nigeria.

我们最感谢Google开发人员 , Microsoft Cloud Advocates , Sarah Drasner , GitLab , JetBrains , GatsbyJS和尼日利亚瓦里的Skysenx Hub 。

我们如何吸引人们(社交媒体,现场活动,邀请) (How we got people to come (social media, onsite campaign, invitations))

So what if you do all the planning and people don’t turn up for the event? To achieve the goal of recording a massive turnout of developers for #DevFestWarri, within the city and beyond, we had to take a more holistic campaign strategy. We undertook a massive campaign across social media, email lists, and onsite campaigns (at tertiary institutions and coding schools) using flyers.

那么,如果您进行了所有的计划却又没有参加该活动该怎么办? 为了实现为城内外的#DevFestWarri记录大量开发人员的目标,我们必须采取更全面的竞选策略。 我们使用传单在社交媒体,电子邮件列表和现场活动(在大专院校和编码学校)进行了大规模的活动。

会议-经验教训和前进的道路 (The Sessions — lessons learnt and the road ahead)

As the lead organizer for the GDG Warri, I had the honor of giving the opening keynote and welcoming these developers to #DevFestWarri.

作为GDG Warri的主要组织者,我很荣幸在开幕式上做主旨演讲,并欢迎这些开发人员加入#DevFestWarri。

Sessions for #DevFestWarri were meant to be all-inclusive. We had quite the line-up of speakers who addressed multiple areas in tech.

#DevFestWarri的会话本应包含所有内容。 我们有相当多的演讲者阵容,他们致力于技术的多个领域。

Quincy Larson, the founder of freeCodeCamp, spoke about technical writing. He joined us remotely and discussed how to create compelling content around software development.

freeCodeCamp的创始人Quincy Larson谈到了技术写作。 他远程加入了我们,讨论了如何围绕软件开发创建引人入胜的内容。

Sharing from his experience on writing and editing technical articles, Quincy highlighted 3 key points to writing great content around software development. They are:

昆西分享了他在撰写和编辑技术文章方面的经验,重点介绍了围绕软件开发撰写出色内容的3个关键点。 他们是:

  • Substance

  • Packaging

  • Publicizing


For web development, we had two sessions. Firstly, Matthew Igho, software developer at Andela Nigeria gave a talk on Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). And Simona Cotin, cloud developer advocate at Microsoft, joined us remotely to speak on Building Scalable APIs using GraphQL and Serverless.

对于Web开发,我们进行了两次会议。 首先, 尼日利亚 Andela的软件开发人员Matthew Igho就渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)进行了演讲。 微软的云开发倡导者西蒙娜·科廷 ( Simona Cotin)远程加入了我们,并就使用GraphQL和Serverless构建可扩展API进行了演讲。

Peace Ojemeh gave a talk on UI/UX design, while Theodora Isola of Touchabl Pictures, spoke on diversity and inclusion in technology. She stressed the need for diversity in startups/tech organizations, as it leads to building products that reach across boundaries and also creates an environment where everyone is comfortable working as a team.

Peace Ojemeh进行了关于UI / UX设计的演讲,而Touchabl Pictures的Theodora Isola则谈到了技术的多样性和包容性。 她强调,初创企业/技术组织需要多元化,因为这将导致构建跨越边界的产品,并创造一个每个人都可以舒适地团队合作的环境。

Odumah Benjamin, Founder and Web developer, EluComputing spoke on his journey into tech.

EluComputing的创始人兼Web开发人员Odumah Benjamin谈到了他的技术之旅。

Olayinka Peter Oluwafemi, Software developer and community manager at the Google Cloud Developer Community, Ado Ekiti, spoke on Exploring Machine Learning With Google Vision API.

Olayinka Peter Oluwafemi是Google Cloud Developer Community的软件开发人员和社区经理,Ado Ekiti在“使用Google Vision API探索机器学习”中发表了演讲。

And finally, we were honored to have Aniedi Udo-Obong, program manager for the developer ecosystem at Google, join us to give the closing remarks. He shared the journey/evolution of the GDG program — the goals, vision and the impact of the program over the course of the 11 years of its existence.

最后,我们很荣幸有Google开发人员生态系统计划经理Aniedi Udo-Obong与我们一起致闭幕词。 他分享了GDG计划的历程/演变过程-该计划存在11年的过程中的目标,愿景和影响。

我在活动中最喜欢的部分-女参会者和演讲者 (My favorite part of the event — female attendees and speakers)

One of the goals for #DevFest18 was to have 35% of the attendees be women.


And in line with this goal, we set out to ensure that we had a balanced line-up of women speakers — for example, our anchor/program director for the event was a lady (and the co-lead for the GDG Warri). And we had four women speakers.

为了实现这一目标,我们着手确保我们有一个平衡的女发言人阵容-例如,活动的主持人/节目主持人是女士(和GDG Warri的联席负责人)。 我们有四个女发言人。

A record attendance of 30% women turned out to be one of the high-point of the events — our meetups prior to DevFest had recorded a low turn out of women attendees.


您应该加入GDG-Warri,这就是为什么 (You should join us at the GDG-Warri — Here’s why)

The GDG is undoubtedly the largest developer community in Sub-Saharan Africa. I am most grateful that I am not only part of the global community of developers but also leading one of the most vibrant and energetic developer community in Nigeria — the GDG Warri.

GDG无疑是撒哈拉以南非洲最大的开发商社区。 我非常感激,我不仅是全球开发人员社区的一员,而且领导着尼日利亚最活跃,最具活力的开发人员社区之一-GDG Warri 。

Just to put things in context: the GDG Warri held its first meetup on April 14, 2018, and we were 41 people in attendance (with fewer than five women).

只是为了说明背景:GDG沃里(GDG Warri)于2018年4月14日举行了第一次聚会,当时我们有41人出席(女性人数不到5人)。

And as at October 6, 2018 when we held DevFest 2018 Warri, we have grown to an active membership strength of 500 plus (currently 529 on our official meetup page), with an average attendance of 70 people per meetup. We’re also seeing more women participate —and now we have a female co-leading the GDG Warri community.

截至2018年10月6日,当我们举办DevFest 2018 Warri时,我们的活跃会员人数已超过500(目前在正式聚会页面上为529),平均每次聚会有70人参加。 我们还看到越来越多的女性参与其中-现在我们有一位女性共同领导GDG Warri社区。

Some members of the community had the opportunity to part-take in the Google-Udacity Africa scholarship — with a few obtaining the Udacity Nanodegree scholarship, while others are currently enrolled in the ongoing Google Pluralsight 10000 developer scholarship.

社区中的一些成员有机会参与Google-Udacity非洲奖学金 ,其中一些人获得了Udacity Nanodegree奖学金,而其他成员目前正在参加正在进行的Google Pluralsight 10000开发者奖学金 。

All these things happened in a space of 8 months — you can read about how we reached 100 members here. Most importantly, we’ve had members of the community — who have never spoken at meetups — share/handle codelabs, facilitate meetups, and give their first tech talks at our events. These were roles I used to play at the early stages of our chapter’s evolution.

所有这些事情发生在8个月的时间里–您可以在这里了解我们如何达到100名成员。 最重要的是,我们有社区成员-他们从未在聚会上发表过讲话-共享/处理了代码实验室,促进了聚会,并在我们的活动中进行了首次技术演讲。 这些是我在本章发展的早期阶段所扮演的角色。

If you are within the city of Warri, and you are a developer (or tech enthusiast), then you should join us by using this link.


And yes, we have some amazing plans for 2019, for the developer community in Warri — I will reveal those plans in the coming weeks.


Here is the official photo album for the event.

这是活动的官方相册 。

You can reach out to me by sending a mail to charles[dot]eteure[at]gmail[dot]com. Thank you for reading!

您可以通过发送邮件到charles [et] ure [at] gmail [dot] com与我联系。 感谢您的阅读!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/what-happened-when-170-software-developers-attended-the-largest-tech-fest-in-warri-nigeria-23085b378a2a/

