如何解决这个模棱两可的语法?(How to resolve this ambiguous grammar?)


expr : multExpr ( ('+' | '-') multExpr )*; multExpr : atom ( ('*' | '/') atom )*; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | '(' expr ')'; condition : cond ('or' cond)*; cond : c1 ('and' c1)*; c1 : ('not')? c2; c2 : '(' condition ')' | boolean; boolean : expr (relop expr | ²) | 'true' | 'false'; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!=';



I have written this grammar:

expr : multExpr ( ('+' | '-') multExpr )*; multExpr : atom ( ('*' | '/') atom )*; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | '(' expr ')'; condition : cond ('or' cond)*; cond : c1 ('and' c1)*; c1 : ('not')? c2; c2 : '(' condition ')' | boolean; boolean : expr (relop expr | ²) | 'true' | 'false'; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!=';

I have omitted the lexer rules for INT,FLOAT,ID as it is obvious.

The problem is c2 rule, it is ambiguous because of '(', I could not find the solution, can you offer me a solution?



expr : orExpr; orExpr : andExpr ('or' andExpr)*; andExpr : relExpr ('and' relExpr)*; relExpr : addExpr (relop addExpr)?; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!='; addExpr : multExpr (('+' | '-') multExpr)*; multExpr : unaryExpr (('*' | '/') unaryExpr)*; unaryExpr : 'not'? atom; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | 'true' | 'false' | '(' expr ')';


这将允许像42 > true这样的表达式,但是当你行走AST /树时检查这样的语义。


输入"not(a+b >= 2 * foo/3.14159) == false"现在将被解析为这样(忽略空格):


如果将输出设置为AST,并将其混合到某些树重写操作符( ^和! )中:

options { output=AST; } // ... expr : orExpr; orExpr : andExpr ('or'^ andExpr)*; andExpr : relExpr ('and'^ relExpr)*; relExpr : addExpr (relop^ addExpr)?; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!='; addExpr : multExpr (('+' | '-')^ multExpr)*; multExpr : unaryExpr (('*' | '/')^ unaryExpr)*; unaryExpr : 'not'^ atom | atom; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | 'true' | 'false' | '('! expr ')'!;



Why not simply do:

expr : orExpr; orExpr : andExpr ('or' andExpr)*; andExpr : relExpr ('and' relExpr)*; relExpr : addExpr (relop addExpr)?; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!='; addExpr : multExpr (('+' | '-') multExpr)*; multExpr : unaryExpr (('*' | '/') unaryExpr)*; unaryExpr : 'not'? atom; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | 'true' | 'false' | '(' expr ')';

The unary not usually has a higher precedence than you're trying to do now.

This will allow for expressions like 42 > true, but checking such semantics can come when you're walking the AST/tree.


The input "not(a+b >= 2 * foo/3.14159) == false" would now be parsed like this (ignoring spaces):

enter image description here

And if you set the output to AST and mix in some tree rewrite operators (^ and !):

options { output=AST; } // ... expr : orExpr; orExpr : andExpr ('or'^ andExpr)*; andExpr : relExpr ('and'^ relExpr)*; relExpr : addExpr (relop^ addExpr)?; relop : '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!='; addExpr : multExpr (('+' | '-')^ multExpr)*; multExpr : unaryExpr (('*' | '/')^ unaryExpr)*; unaryExpr : 'not'^ atom | atom; atom : INT | FLOAT | ID | 'true' | 'false' | '('! expr ')'!;

you'd get:

enter image description here
