将订阅和下载功能添加到Blogger [关闭](Add Subscribe and Download feature to Blogger [closed])

我的博客www.webspeaks.in是博客上的(不幸的是我认为)。 我提供的文件供我的读者下载。 我希望只有 订阅我博客的访问者才能下载这些文件。 是否有可用于此功能的小部件或工具。

I have my blog www.webspeaks.in which is on blogger (unfortunately I think). I provide files to be downloaded by my readers. I want that only the visitors who are subscribed to my blog can download the files. Is there any widget or tool available for this functionality.



使用谷歌驱动器在线上传文档,安全性为“只有链接的人”,并在博客的一部分中显示需要访问者订阅的链接。 他们可能仍然会通过电子邮件将链接发送给他们的朋友,但也许对您来

I think Blogger doesn't support that but as a workaround you can try:

Upload documents online using google drive with security as "only people with link" and show link in a section of your blog that requires a visitor to be subscribed. They might still email link to their friends, but maybe is enough for you.
