
A few weeks ago, my roommate introduced me to the world of Korean pop music, otherwise known as k-pop. The more I dug into the genre, the more I realized how applicable some of the factors that make k-pop successful are to design.

几周前,我的室友向我介绍了韩国流行音乐的世界,也称为k-pop。 我越发掘这种类型,就越能意识到使k-pop成功的某些因素在设计中的适用性。

If you’ve read my other articles, you’ll know that I encourage designers to learn from the designs of other cultures. Through observation, you gain additional lenses for approaching hard design problems.

如果您阅读了其他文章,就会知道我鼓励设计师从其他文化的设计中学习。 通过观察,您将获得更多解决复杂设计问题的机会。

In this article, I introduce five characteristics of good design along with some k-pop.


好的设计讲故事 (Good design tells a story)

Many k-pop videos revolve around a story. The themes within the stories range from things like unrequited love to coming of age, and everything in between.

许多韩流视频都围绕一个故事展开。 故事中的主题从单恋到成年,以及介于两者之间的所有主题。

These stories take viewers on a journey through a narrative — one that most people can relate to. Because of the universality of some of their stories, k-pop videos appeal to huge audiences. In fact, k-pop has such a global appeal that in 2012, Time Magazine dubbed it as South Korea’s Greatest Export.

这些故事带给观众一段叙事的旅程-大多数人都可以与之联系。 由于某些故事的普遍性,K-pop视频吸引了大批观众。 实际上,k-pop在全球具有很高的吸引力,因此在2012年,《时代》杂志将其誉为“ 韩国最大出口”

Often times the stories are silly and cute stories. For example, take the music video titled Day One by K. Will. It tells the story of a boy determined to win over an unrequited love.

故事常常是愚蠢而可爱的故事。 例如,以K. Will创作的名为Day Day的音乐视频为例。 它讲述了一个男孩决定赢得单恋的故事。

Even though the subject matter is light, a lot of thought is put into how viewers will feel at each step in the story.


Just like how a film or short video might tell a story, good design also tells a story. A story in design is about the journey a user goes through when using a product.

就像电影或短片可以讲述一个故事一样,好的设计也可以讲述一个故事。 设计中的故事是关于用户使用产品时所经历的旅程。

If you look at successful products today, like Uber and Airbnb, the common thread among all of them is that they tell a story. Each company has a series of narratives that show the different use-cases a user has for their product.

如果您关注当今成功的产品,例如Uber和Airbnb,则它们之间的共同点是它们讲述一个故事。 每个公司都有一系列叙述,以显示用户对其产品的不同用例。

As an example, one of Airbnb’s stories might involve a family of three. They’re flying in from abroad to visit Disneyland in California for their daughter’s birthday. They book a listing in Los Angeles, and arrive Friday afternoon to be welcomed by their host.

例如,Airbnb的故事之一可能涉及三口之家。 他们从国外飞来,为了女儿的生日,参观了加利福尼亚的迪斯尼乐园。 他们在洛杉矶预定了房源,并于周五下午抵达,受到房东的欢迎。

Story-driven design identifies use cases beforehand then designs product experiences around those scenarios.


It’s easy to get started with story-driven design. Start with a storyboard. Figure out what kind of experience you want to give your user.

故事驱动的设计很容易上手。 从情节提要开始。 弄清楚您想为用户提供什么样的体验。

好的设计可以吸引观众 (Good design knows its audience)

Back in the 2000s, k-pop music was an unlikely candidate for becoming a global sensation. So how did it succeed in such a global market?

早在2000年代,韩国流行音乐就不太可能成为引起全球轰动的候选人。 那么,它如何在如此全球化的市场中取得成功呢?

The answer is that they knew their audience. South Korean entertainment companies like SM Entertainment know exactly who their audience is and where to find them.

答案是他们了解听众。 像SM Entertainment这样的韩国娱乐公司确切地知道他们的观众是谁,以及在哪里找到他们。

Many k-pop companies embraced distribution channels like YouTube and social outlets like Twitter and Facebook early.


Today, most k-pop music videos receive millions of views. In fact, the most viewed video on YouTube is Gangnam Style, which has been viewed over 2 billion times.

如今,大多数韩流音乐视频都获得了数百万的观看次数。 实际上,YouTube上观看次数最多的视频是《江南风情》,其观看次数已超过20亿次。

In design, it’s also important to know your audience. Having a clear idea of who you are designing for helps you make informed product decisions.

在设计中,了解您的受众也很重要。 清楚地知道要为谁设计,可以帮助您做出明智的产品决策。

During the design process, good designers go out and talk to their users. In particular, they gather statistical data on things like demographics and behavioral data on things like lifestyle. These research methods include methods like focus groups, questionnaires, and interviews.

在设计过程中,优秀的设计师会出去与用户交谈。 特别是,他们收集有关人口统计数据的统计数据和有关生活方式等数据的行为数据。 这些研究方法包括焦点小组,问卷调查和访谈等方法。

With data, designers can better identify design constraints and what content users will best resonate with.


好的设计可以建立信任 (Good design builds trust)

The other night, my roommate showed me some of his favorite k-pop videos on YouTube. As we were browsing, he suddenly got excited. It turns out, one of his favorite k-pop groups had just released a new music video.

前一天晚上,我的室友在YouTube上向我展示了一些他最喜欢的K-pop视频。 当我们浏览时,他突然感到兴奋。 事实证明,他最喜欢的k-pop乐队之一刚刚发行了新的音乐视频。

Between the k-pop group and him, there was an implicit agreement. In return for his consistent viewership, the group would deliver high quality content he valued.

在韩流歌手和他之间,有一个隐含的约定。 作为对他一贯的收视率的回报,该小组将提供他重视的高质量内容。

This agreement is a sort of mutual trust between parties. K-pop groups rely on it to sustain their popularity.

该协议是各方之间的一种相互信任。 韩国流行音乐团体依靠它来维持自己的知名度。

Similarly, good design builds trust between products and users. When a product has finish and polish, it builds trust. When a product offers value, it builds trust.

同样,良好的设计会在产品和用户之间建立信任。 产品完成抛光后,就可以建立信任。 产品提供价值时,就会建立信任。

Imagine if you couldn’t trust the products that you use today. Would you ever shop online again? Would you ever book a flight online again?

想象一下,如果您不信任今天使用的产品。 您会再次在网上购物吗? 您是否会再次在线预订航班?

Trust reduces friction between users and products. It guarantees smooth transactions.

信任减少了用户与产品之间的摩擦。 它保证交易顺畅。

Both value as well as fit and finish are vital to building trust. Value comes in many forms, including monetary, emotional, and entertainment value. In products, people often times derive functional and sometimes monetary value.

价值,适合度和完成度对于建立信任至关重要。 价值有多种形式,包括金钱,情感和娱乐价值。 在产品中,人们常常获得功能性价值,有时甚至是货币价值。

好的设计有效地利用色彩 (Good design effectively uses color)

K-pop videos are full of vibrant colors. These are great for visual inspiration. From the set design to even the hair of the idols, colors are carefully coordinated.

韩流视频充满了鲜艳的色彩。 这些非常适合视觉灵感。 从布景设计到偶像的头发,颜色都经过精心协调。

Here are a few examples of how color is as motifs and devices for visual communication.


Here is a scene from the music video titled Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms by IU.

这是IU的音乐录影带中的一幕,名为“ 不是春天,爱情或樱花” 。

The red umbrella stands out against the neutral background. It immediately draws your attention to the singer. If there’s one thing that you remember after watching the video, it’s the red umbrella.

在中立的背景下,红色的雨伞显得尤为突出。 它立即引起您对歌手的关注。 观看视频后,如果您想起一件事,那就是一把红伞。

Color can be a powerful tool to direct people’s eyes.


Lion Heart by Girls Generation also uses color effectively.


The intent of the colors in the video was to create a dreamy feel. However, the video goes a step farther in post processing. Notice how the film was color graded to accentuate the desired aesthetic.

视频中颜色的目的是营造出梦幻般的感觉。 但是,视频在后期处理方面更进一步。 请注意,如何对胶片进行颜色分级以突出所需的美感。

In design, color can create specific aesthetics. Different levels of saturation and vibrancy will give you different feels. Consider what look you want to go for before choosing a color palette.

在设计中,色彩可以创造出特定的美感。 不同的饱和度和鲜艳度会给您不同的感觉。 选择调色板之前,请考虑一下要使用的外观。

Crush by Zion T. is an example of how lack of color can be just as powerful as an abundance of color.

锡安(Zion T. )的《 暗恋》(Crush)是一个例子,说明缺乏色彩与丰富的色彩一样强大。

Black and white in this video create a dramatic feel. With less color, your focus is on the actors and the objects within the scene.

该视频中的黑白效果给人以戏剧性的感觉。 使用较少的颜色,您的焦点将集中在场景中的演员和对象上。

Black and white can be powerful in design. Without excess color, there are fewer distractions. For example, in their latest redesign, Instagram chose a black and white design so users can focus on what’s important: the pictures.

黑白在设计上可能很强大。 如果没有过多的颜色,则分心的情况会更少。 例如,在最新的重新设计中,Instagram选择了黑白设计,以便用户可以专注于重要的事情:图片。

好的设计要遵循设计原则 (Good design applies the principles of design)

The principles of design of design are balance, emphasis, movement, variety and contrast, proportion, and unity. They are the devices designers use to organize information and create visual structures.

设计的设计原则是平衡,强调,移动,变化和对比,比例和统一。 它们是设计人员用来组织信息和创建视觉结构的设备。

Understanding how to effectively use the principles of design will help you achieve functionality and aesthetic quality in your designs.


Here are a few examples of how the principles of design are applied in k-pop.


This frame from Mr Chu by Apink uses emphasis, contrast, and balance to create an eye catching scene.


The scene is symmetrically balanced, making it more aesthetically pleasing. Contrast between the pink and aqua draw your eye to the center of the frame.

场景是对称平衡的,使其在美学上更加令人愉悦。 粉色和浅绿色之间的对比将您的眼睛吸引到框架的中央。

Hello by Primary uses balance, contrast, and proportion to create a visually intriguing scene.


Despite being asymmetrical, the scene is well balanced. In addition, there is strong contrast between the background and the objects, making the objects pop.

尽管不对称,但场景还是很平衡。 此外,背景和对象之间存在强烈的对比,使对象弹出。

Another good example is Overdose by EXO.

另一个很好的例子是EXO的药物过量 。

Using repetition of hexagons in the background and positioning the idols symmetrically, the video creates a sense of visual balance and unity.


K-pop can teach us a lot about design. As long as you look at things from a design perspective, there is something to be learned.

韩流可以教给我们很多关于设计的知识。 只要您从设计的角度看待事物,就需要学习一些东西。

A big thanks to Ed, my roommate, who took the time to introduce me to k-pop and provide me with inspiration for this article.


Thanks for reading this. I hope you enjoyed these k-pop songs and will find opportunities to apply these five important design concepts.

感谢您阅读本文。 我希望您喜欢这些韩流歌曲,并会找到机会应用这五个重要的设计概念。

If you have any stories about how you’ve learned something about design from an unexpected medium, leave a note below, or tweet at me.


You can also follow me on Twitter, where I post non-sensical ramblings about design, front end development, bots, and machine learning.


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PS:如果您喜欢这篇文章,那么如果单击“?”将有很多意义。 并与朋友分享。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/what-k-pop-can-teach-us-about-design-6253a85f469c/


