
Even though we may not always notice them, Icons are all around us. They’re found on our favorite apps, keyboards, road signs, etc. They help us visually understand each step of a process and guide us through our daily tasks.

即使我们可能并不总是注意到它们,但图标仍然在我们周围。 它们可以在我们最喜欢的应用程序,键盘,路标等上找到。它们可以帮助我们直观地了解流程的每个步骤,并指导我们完成日常任务。

Let’s take a closer at some icons I found on my Bose SoundLink Revolve Bluetooth Speaker.

让我们仔细看看在Bose SoundLink Revolve蓝牙扬声器上发现的一些图标。

The Power button icon is meant for turning the speaker on and off. I would say this icon is a familiar one, although it has evolved from having to press the on and off button separately to simply touching a single button that performs both functions. The design of the icon is minimalistic and easy to comprehend. The line weight is light and includes rounded ends which give a softer feel and match the overall design of the speaker.

电源按钮图标用于打开和关闭扬声器。 我想说这个图标是一个熟悉的图标,尽管它已经从必须分别按下开和关按钮演变为简单地触摸执行这两个功能的单个按钮。 图标的设计是简约的,易于理解。 线重较轻,末端有圆角,给人以柔和的感觉,并与扬声器的整体设计相匹配。

The Input Mode button is used to change the input for the speaker. For example, if you have 2 Bluetooth devices, a USB device, and a 3.5" audio connection to the speaker, you can switch between each. At a first glance, this icon didn’t feel so intuitive. I had to scratch my head for a second and it look up. After understanding what the button is for, the design became very clear to me. The arrow moving into the circle signifies “input”. The design of this icon matches the power button for consistency.

输入模式按钮用于更改扬声器的输入。 例如,如果您有2个蓝牙设备,一个USB设备以及一个与扬声器的3.5英寸音频连接,则可以在每个扬声器之间进行切换。乍一看,该图标并不那么直观。我不得不挠头在了解按钮的用途之后,设计对我来说变得非常清晰,箭头移动到圆圈中表示“输入”,此图标的设计与电源按钮相匹配以保持一致性。

The Volume up and Volume Down icons are used to increase and decrease volume. I would say these icons are the most instinctive out of the bunch. Plus and minus are Latin terms meaning “more” and “less”. In mathematics, it indicates a choice of exactly two possible values, one of which is obtain through addition and the other through subtraction. Over the years, their use has been extended to have many other meanings, more or less analogous.

调高音量调低音量图标用于增加或减小音量。 我会说这些图标是最本能的图标。 加号减号是拉丁语,意思是“更多”和“更少”。 在数学中,它表示正好选择两个可能的值,其中一个是通过加法获得的,另一个是通过减法获得的。 多年来,它们的使用已扩展到具有许多其他含义,或多或少地具有相似性。

The Multi-Function button changes action, depending on what the user is doing. This was another button I wan’t immediately familiar with, but made a lot of sense after learning what it did. This button’s three dot clever design is a little bit different from the others as the circle elements are solid. Nevertheless, they are very petite and match the weight and feel of the other icons. Below are some actions of the multi-function button on the Bose speaker.

多功能按钮可根据用户的操作更改操作。 这是我不应该立即熟悉的另一个按钮,但是在了解了它的作用之后,它变得很有道理。 该按钮的三点巧妙设计与其他元素略有不同,因为圆形元素很坚固。 然而,它们非常小巧,与其他图标的重量和感觉匹配。 以下是Bose扬声器上多功能按钮的一些操作。

  • Play / Pause, when listening to music.

  • Answer an incoming call.

  • Hang up a call in progress.

  • When nothing is playing, the multi-function button will launch your smartphone’s assistant (Google Assistant or Siri).


The Bluetooth button has two functions on this speaker. If you push once when connected, the speaker will say the name of the Bluetooth device connected. If you Push and hold, pairing mode is activated. The bluetooth icon is a very universal icon. However, the design of the bluetooth symbol would only make sense to a user that knows about the technology.

蓝牙按钮在此扬声器上具有两个功能。 如果在连接时按一次,扬声器将说出连接的蓝牙设备的名称。 如果按住,配对模式将被激活。 蓝牙图标是一个非常通用的图标。 但是,蓝牙符号的设计仅对了解该技术的用户有意义。

“The Bluetooth logo is the combination of “H” and “B,” the initials of Harald Bluetooth, written in the ancient letters used by Vikings, which are called “runes.”

“蓝牙徽标是“ H”和“ B”的组合,这是Harald蓝牙的缩写,用维京人使用的古老字母表示,称为“符文”。

The design of the icon for Bose is consistent in appearance and seems to have the same grid properties as the others.


In closing, Icons should be as simple as possible, but with enough details to express the intended message. If icons are too complex, they can become confusing and potentially convey the wrong message.

最后,图标应尽可能简单,但要有足够的细节来表达预期的消息。 如果图标太复杂,它们可能会造成混乱,并可能传达错误信息。

资料来源 (Sources)



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翻译自: https://uxdesign/icons-in-day-to-day-life-c3545dec0ba0


